Implemented the parameter "ld_max" (replacing "ld") and "ld_min".
Fixed bug that changed the working directory after the simulation
Included the parameter 'mean', so traits can be simulated with the desired mean (intercept) value. Included QTN_list option for the LD architecture. set default seed generator as RNGversion('3.5.1') to ensure reproducibility.
Renamed some output QTN info files to make it standard across different architectures
Included the parameter QTN_list = list(add = NULL, dom = NULL, epi = NULL) to give the user the possibility to select the specific markers to be used as QTNs.
Included 'Master Seed' in the log file to facilitate reproducibility. Now it only saves individual seed numbers when verbose = TRUE (default).
check if 'out_geno' is either 'numeric', 'plink' or 'gds' replaced the dependence lqmm and uses the function make_pd() to make cor matrix positive definite
Fixed bug when reading multiple files using geno_path
Fix bug that stopped simplePHENOTYPES when using geno_obj and architecture = "LD"
Fix bug in the simulation of single trait using multiple h2 values
Fix bug that made the direct LD option stop running
Fixed bug that also removed the cause of LD when remove_QTN = TRUE with architecture = "LD" Fixed bug when reading multiple files using geno_path
Set all additive parameters to NULL when model is dominance or epistasis.
Fixed bug when more than 9 traits were simulated under the "partially" architecture Fixed bug when saving file name with very large name due to a large number of traits
Fixed bug in the QTN MAF calculation on the LD architecture Fixed bug when importing VCF and exporting BED files (implemented by chr_prefix)
Fixed bug that didn't recognize geno_obj as HapMap. Fixed bug when simulating dominance will all SNPs being homozygotes. Fixed bug when reaching the end of the file while looking for SNPs in LD. Fixed bug in importing geno_file from other directories. Fixed bug in selecting QTNs when marker data < 6 SNPs. Included file removal when simulation does not complete. Renamed file outputted as numeric. Renamed constrain option. Implemented check for biallelic markers. Changed the QTN file name. Implemented an interactive question before Check to remove QTNs with vary_QTN = T. Included check.names as FALSE in all data.frames. Check if geno_file and geno_path are NULL. Incorrect output name.